


Go from nothing → deployed Next.js codebase in minutes with your own branding, theme, SEO-optimized blog and selected pages.

Shipixen: Generate Custom Next.js Boilerplates in Minutes

Shipixen is an app that generates custom Next.js boilerplates with your own branding, theme, SEO-optimized blog, and selected pages. It allows you to go from nothing to a deployed Next.js codebase in minutes, freeing you to focus on building your product rather than setting up the boilerplate.


Key Features

Branding and Customization

  • Customize logo, theme, branding & favicon
  • Pre-built themes
  • Beautiful landing page components
  • Customizable pricing pages

SEO-Optimized Blog

  • MDX-powered blog
  • SEO optimization
  • Search functionality
  • Tags and pagination
  • Multiple authors and layouts

Modern Tech Stack

  • Next.js 14 with App Router
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Contentlayer
  • Shadcn UI library
  • Lucide icons

Additional Features

  • Dark mode
  • 1-click deploy to Vercel
  • Zip download
  • AI content generation
  • Open Graph support
  • Sitemap and RSS feed
  • Terms & Privacy pages
  • Social icons and custom navigation
  • And hundreds more features


Shipixen offers two license options:

3-Month License$87- Generate unlimited custom boilerplates for 3 months
- All generated code is yours forever
1-Year License$259 (25% off)- Generate unlimited custom boilerplates for 1 year
- All generated code is yours forever

Both licenses include friendly email support, community access via Discord, and free updates to the boilerplate and app.


Shipixen has received positive reviews from developers and founders:

“Shipixen has been a game-changer for my web development workflow. Being able to generate a fully-featured Next.js boilerplate with my own branding and an SEO-optimized blog in minutes is incredible. It has saved me countless hours of setup and configuration time, allowing me to focus on building my product.” - John Doe, Web Developer

”As a non-technical founder, Shipixen has been a lifesaver. I was able to generate a beautiful landing page, blog, and pricing pages for my product without any coding knowledge. The customization options and pre-built themes made it easy to match my branding, and the SEO optimization has helped with visibility.” - Jane Smith, Founder of ProductCo

About the Creator

Shipixen was created by a team of experienced web developers who recognized the need for a tool that could streamline the process of setting up a new web project. With decades of combined experience in web development, they designed Shipixen to leverage the best practices, ensure great performance, and provide SEO optimization out of the box.