


The fastest way to launch your AI SaaS

SaaS AI: The Only Next.js Starter Kit Tailored for AI Web-Apps

SaaS AI is a Next.js Starter Kit designed specifically for AI web applications. It streamlines your development process, eliminating weeks of work and allowing you to concentrate on delivering the features that matter most.


Key Features

AI Integration

  • Seamless integration with leading AI platforms like OpenAI, LangChain, Mistral, Google Gemini, Anthropic, and Hugging Face
  • Includes a ChatGPT-like component with advanced conversational AI capabilities
  • 6 hours saved


  • User authentication and authorization with Supabase
  • Support for magic links, Google login, and various other providers
  • 5 hours saved


  • Stripe integration for subscription management, checkout interfaces, webhooks, and customer portals
  • 8 hours saved

Landing Page

  • Modern, responsive landing page with dark mode, pricing section, FAQ, and contact information
  • 4 hours saved


  • Pre-configured Meta tags and OpenGraph tags for social media sharing
  • Optimized UI components for performance and user engagement
  • 3 hours saved


  • Complete Postgres database with Supabase (free and open-source)
  • 3 hours saved

UI Components

  • Beautifully designed, responsive UI components using shadcn and Tailwind CSS
  • 4 hours saved


  • Email dispatch with react-email and Resend
  • 4 hours saved


  • Track user metrics, user acquisition sources, and geographical locations
  • 3 hours saved

File Storage

  • Efficient file storage and delivery with Supabase
  • 3 hours saved

Customer Support

  • Crisp integration for seamless customer communication
  • 3 hours saved


  • Comprehensive documentation for rapid SaaS deployment
  • ∞ hours saved


  • Superior development workflow with Next.js and Supabase
  • ∞ hours saved

Private Discord

  • Exclusive access to a private Discord community for direct support (Pro Starter Kit)
  • ∞ hours saved

Time Saved

SaaS AI can save you a whopping 46 hours or more, even in the best-case scenario! Built with best coding practices and a commitment to clean code, we’ve streamlined everything for you. Dive in now and transform your vision into reality in days, not months!


$100 off for the next 6 customers
- Next.js Boilerplate
- AI Integration
- Authentication
- Database
- File Storage
- Stripe Payments
- Landing Page
- UI Components
- SEO Setup
- Emails
- Customer Support
- Documentation
- Analytics
- Emails
- Private Discord community
- Lifetime updates
- Features by Request
Starter$149- Next.js Boilerplate
- AI Integration
- Authentication
- Database
- File Storage
- Stripe Payments
- Landing Page
- UI Components