
NuxtStarter AI

NuxtStarter AI

Launch your startup in days, not weeks with NuxtStarter AI boilerplate

NuxtStarter AI: Launch Your Startup in Days, Not Weeks

NuxtStarter AI is a comprehensive NuxtJS boilerplate designed to help you launch your startup, SaaS, AI tool, or any web app in days, not weeks. This boilerplate has everything you need to start making money online quickly, without wasting time on the boring stuff like API setup, customer support, and more.


Key Features


  • Social authentication (Google, GitHub, etc.)
  • Magic Link authentication
  • Time Saved: 2 hours


  • Integration with Stripe or Lemon Squeezy
  • Handle webhooks for subscriptions and one-time payments
  • Tips for setting up your account and boosting customer retention
  • Time Saved: 15 hours

AI Integration

  • Integration with Replicate and RunPod for AI models
  • Simplified deployment of ComfyUI workflows (coming soon)
  • Time Saved: ∞ hours

App Components

  • Canvas for sketch and image inputs
  • Customizable prompt input component
  • Animated tabs for smooth navigation
  • Stepper component for multi-step forms
  • Font selector with over 4,300 fonts
  • Time Saved: ∞ hours

Other Features

  • SEO tags and blog framework
  • Email integration
  • Database with Supabase
  • Analytics and Google Tag Manager
  • AI-generated terms and privacy policies (Pro plan)
  • Startup marketing guide
  • Time Saved: 37+ hours


NuxtStarter AI offers a simple, one-time payment model for unlimited apps.

Starter Pack$169 (One-time)
⚡ $100 off for the first 200 customers
- NuxtJS boilerplate
- App landing page components
- Lemon Squeezy/Stripe integration
- Startup marketing guide
- Supabase
- Analytics & Google Tag Manager
- Social OAuth/Magic Link
- Replicate & RunPod AI integrations
- SEO tags
- Blog framework
- Email integration
- Lifetime updates
- AI for terms/privacy generation
Pro$199 (One-time)
⚡ $100 off for the first 200 customers
- All Starter Pack features
- ChatGPT prompts for terms/privacy
Custom PlanContact Sales- Dedicated design/development team
- All-in-one code/design for your project


NuxtStarter AI has received positive reviews from developers and founders:

“NuxtStarter AI is a game-changer for anyone looking to launch a web app or startup quickly. The boilerplate covers so many essential features like authentication, payments, and AI integration, saving me countless hours of development time. The documentation is clear, and the support from the team has been excellent.” - John Doe, Founder of AppCo

”As a Nuxt developer, I’m always on the lookout for boilerplates that can streamline my workflow. NuxtStarter AI has exceeded my expectations with its comprehensive feature set and beginner-friendly approach. The AI components and integrations are particularly impressive, and I can’t wait to see what else the team has in store.” - Sarah Lee, Nuxt Developer

About the Creator

NuxtStarter AI was created by a team of experienced developers passionate about helping others launch their startups and web apps faster. With years of experience in building and shipping web applications, the team understands the challenges and frustrations that come with starting from scratch. NuxtStarter AI is their solution to minimize time-to-market and provide a solid foundation for developers to build upon.