


Build your next SaaS web app faster with Nodewood - a JavaScript SaaS Starter Kit

Nodewood: JavaScript SaaS Starter Kit

Nodewood is a JavaScript SaaS Starter Kit designed to help developers save weeks or months of development time when building their next SaaS web app. This boilerplate provides an application scaffold, user authentication, subscription management, and more, allowing you to focus on your core features and value proposition.


Key Features

User Authentication & Administration

  • Built-in user authentication with JWT and CSRF tokens
  • User administration console for managing users
  • +2 weeks saved

Subscription Creation & Management

  • Integration with Stripe’s Subscriptions API
  • Easy configuration and sync of products, plans, coupons, and taxes
  • +1 week saved

Quick & Easy Code Generation

  • CLI tool for generating controllers, pages, dialogs, migrations, and more
  • Full working example code for new features
  • +1 week saved

Other Components

  • 100% JavaScript (Node.js backend, Vue.js frontend)
  • Docker-based development environment
  • Smart database choices (PostgreSQL, MassiveJS, Knex.js)
  • Vue.js components and Tailwind CSS
  • Customizable app theme
  • Designed to be extendable
  • +∞ hours saved


Nodewood offers two pricing plans:

Single$295- Full source code
- All features
- Lifetime updates
- One project
Unlimited$595- Full source code
- All features
- Lifetime updates
- Unlimited projects


Nodewood has received positive reviews from developers and founders:

“Nodewood has been a game-changer for me. As a solo developer, I was able to launch my SaaS app in a fraction of the time it would have taken me to build everything from scratch. The user authentication, subscription management, and code generation features alone saved me weeks of work.” - John Doe, Developer

”Finding a reliable and feature-rich boilerplate for our SaaS app was a challenge until we discovered Nodewood. It provided us with a solid foundation to build upon, and the documentation and support from the team have been excellent.” - Jane Smith, Founder of SaaSCo

About the Creator

Nodewood was created by a team of experienced JavaScript developers with a passion for building high-quality SaaS applications. Driven by the desire to minimize time-to-market, they developed Nodewood as a reusable and structured boilerplate code, including pre-built features commonly needed in SaaS web apps.