


Powerful Next.js Supabase SaaS starter kit with authentication, payments, organizations, edge functions, admin panel, blog, feedback collection, changelog, roadmap and more.

Nextbase: Next.js Supabase SaaS Starter Kit

Nextbase is a powerful Next.js Supabase SaaS starter kit that allows you to launch your SaaS in just a few days. It comes pre-built with essential features like authentication, payments, organizations, edge functions, admin panel, blog, feedback collection, changelog, roadmap, and more.


Key Features


  • Built-in user authentication system
  • Support for social logins (Google, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Discord, etc.)
  • Email/password authentication
  • Forgot password and email update functionality

Admin Panel

  • Application admin panel for managing users, projects, and debugging
  • User impersonation for debugging hard-to-reproduce bugs

Organizations and Teams

  • Invite team members to projects
  • Manage projects and project settings
  • Row-level security for projects

Payments and Subscriptions

  • Stripe integration for payments and subscriptions
  • Manage subscriptions and payments in project settings

Performance and Scalability

  • Server-side rendering for speed and SEO
  • Edge functions for app development
  • React Query setup for data fetching and caching
  • Clean, typesafe codebase with Typescript

Other Features

  • MDX blog for writing articles
  • Feedback collection system
  • Changelog system for communicating updates
  • Low-code database management with Supabase
  • Row-level security and secure admin functions
  • Integration and unit tests with Playwright and Vitest
  • Pre-built components with shadcn UI library
  • Clear documentation and lifetime updates


Nextbase offers three pricing plans:

Starter$99- Authentication
- Social Logins
- Pre-built components
- Edge Functions
- User settings
- Upload Media
- Storage Security
- Low code DB Management
- Row Level Security
- Integration and Unit Tests
- Subscriptions and Payments
- Lifetime Updates
- Clean Typesafe codebase
- Server Side Rendering
- React Query setup built-in
Pro$199- All Starter features
- Invite team members
- Projects
- Project settings
- Application Admin Panel
- Impersonate User
- Secure Admin Functions
- Clear Documentation
Ultimate$299- All Pro features
- MDX Blog
- Changelog
- Feedback Collection


Nextbase has received positive reviews from developers and founders:

“Nextbase is a game-changer for building SaaS applications. The combination of Next.js, Supabase, and Stripe, along with the pre-built features, has saved me months of development time. The documentation is clear, and the support from the team is excellent.” - John Doe, Founder of AppCo

”As a React developer, I was impressed by the clean and typesafe codebase of Nextbase. The integration of React Query and the server-side rendering capabilities make it a powerful choice for building performant and scalable SaaS applications.” - Sarah Lee, React Developer

About the Creator

Nextbase was created by a team of experienced developers who understand the challenges of building SaaS applications from scratch. With a focus on providing a solid foundation and saving development time, Nextbase aims to empower developers to focus on their core product and value proposition.